THE FORGOTTEN ONE (a poem and a reminder)
The white sands seem to go on forever,
still I walk.
It’s not snow but salt,
as far as the eye can see.
There was a river here once upon a time
where you used to lean down to drink,
water pearls on your lips.
I remember when you were still a stranger,
curiosity and kindness in your eyes,
the beach was black back then,
the breeze so pleasant.
I hunger for you.
Feverish chill in my bones,
walking towards my ever changing goal,
oh so slowly.
I’ll give you my morning,
my afternoon and night,
until forever takes flight.
A crow and a seagull,
you and me side by side
picking at the scabs,
flying wing-to-wing.
I hear you,
even when you don’t speak.
I see you,
even when you hide.
I am the silent one,
the roaring one,
the listless,
the yearning,
the unsubstantiated,
the weak,
the invisible.
I am the forgotten one,
walking the salty desert
and it might take forever
but I never tire.
I am Merope
and you my Sisyphus,
ever so far away
pushing your boulder.
©2017 Eygló
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